Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Carnegie Part 2


Q Carnegie suggested the best way to win an argument is to not have one. Discuss the ways that Carnegie suggests that leaders/managers can accomplish this. Also, discuss why providing people with "sympathy" is a good leadership/management tool when dealing with others. Finally, discuss how Carnegie suggests to deal with a person that must be corrected (criticized) -- explore all the methods mentioned in this section of the book.

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The ways that Carnegie suggests that leaders and managers can accomplish this to win an argument by practicing a best habit of being a potential leader. Providing people with "sympathy" is a good leadership or management tool when dealing with others as sympathy suitably generates a perfect interest for appreciation for others paving the way to more productive working relationships in a proper manner.