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Business Seminar_Chapter 12 Essay

Business Seminar_Chapter 12 Essay

Q What is the relationship among organizational structure, control systems, incentives, and culture? Give at least two examples of when and under what conditions a mismatch among these components might arise? Use acceptable resources.

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The structure of authority, flow of information and operations are determined by organziational structure in a company. The extent and direction of the compand is denoted by the organziational strcuture together with the allowability of the turn around information flow through chain of command. The control which is exercised on the employees made possible through the structure is denoted by organizational control. The organziational control tokens are the accuracy and swiftness of the commands of management, and the management authority. Organziational culture can be regarded as the basic thread, fabric of the company that exists invisibly in every fucntion of the management, methodology of the operation, and action of the company (Flamholtz, 1996).