Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Beverages Take 2


Q Sanchez 1 The second part of this assignment requires you to again write down everything you are drinking for the week. Starting on Tuesday morning and recording through Monday. You will also need to record the ounces, amount of calories, sugar and sodium in your beverages. This week needs to include some self reflection, what did you learn last week about your hydration? Are you drinking enough water? Are you drinking too much caffeine or alcohol or sugary drinks? What will you change this week because of last week? Etc. Etc. *Word count 200-500 words.

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02/02/2021 One 4 oz. Cup of Coffee (a.m.) 80 Calories, 17 grams of Sugar, 5 grams of Sodium Eight16 oz. Bottles of water (Throughout day) Zero grams of sugar, sodium and Calories One 8 oz. Cups Cran- Raspberry Juice (Dinner) 100 Calories, 26 grams of Sugar, 35 grams of Sodium. 02/03/2021 One 4 oz. Cup of Coffee (a.m.) 80 Calories, 17 grams of Sugar, 5 grams of Sodium Six16oz. Bottles of water (Throughout day) Zero grams of sugar, sodium and Calories Two 8 oz. Of Hawaiian fruit punch (Lunch and Dinner) 70 Calories each, 17 grams of Sugar each, 105 mg of Sodium each.