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Q Discussion Board Week #3 Prompt This week we explore the expanded role of color as a means of personal expression on the artist's part to intensify and personalize the encounter between the viewer and the work of art. Please discuss some examples of how this intense and personal experience of art is achieved by the artists we explore this week (via lecture and readings). How does this approach to art's function differ from the Renaissance and Academic tradition?

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Use of colours is a way of expressing oneself to the world. Colours can convey emotions, feelings, thoughts and much more. Sometimes, colours paints an individual’s personality so vividly and beautifully that words cannot define them. In academic tradition, communication is primarily done via words. But, for an artist, communication is not limited to words, rather they are beyond words and must be expressed delicately, yet meaningfully. If we talk about ‘colors’ in academics, we may find examples of academic regalia, shell fabric etc. set of colours. And, if, we talk about Renaissance, we can observe the color palette follows certain pattern. Like, indigo, verdigris, malachite, Naples yellow etc. this Palette orders are used in certain kind of painting techniques.