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Assignment 2_Week 2

Assignment 2_Week 2

Q Assignment2_Week2_MKTG_Babila - Motivation is the inward drive we have to get what we need. In the mid-1900s, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist developed the hierarchy of needs shown in Figure 3.4. 1. Select two advertisements and describe the needs identified by Abraham Maslow that each ad addresses. 2. Analyze the advertisement using the concepts of marketing and consumer segmentation, and discuss how it aligns to the organization's mission. 3. Find an international version of an advertisement for one of the products. 4. What differences do you detect in the international version of the ad? How did the underlying aspects of marketing and psychology utilized in the advertisement change?

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Motivation is the driving force behind any action or steps towards fulfilment of any goal by human beings. In psychology, Abraham Maslow invented a theory called Maslow’s hierarchy of need that addressed various tiers of needs that human beings need, want and desire. It is usually represented by pyramid that shows five different layers of needs as per their fulfilment levels, bottom most being the first of needs that has to be fulfilled before on climbs upwards.