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Arts Assignment Visual Analysis Greek Vase

Arts Assignment Visual Analysis

Q Assignment Instructions: Read carefully and then address each part below: 1. Using the online search tool, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. search the Getty's Antiquities collection for vases which portray a myth associated with Herakles (see also Hercules or Hercales). The search box is about half way down the page, on the right hand side where it says Search the Antiquities Collection. Hint: search the term 'Herakles' (or Hercules) in the search box and then limit your results to only vases by indicating 'terracotta' in the Medium/Materials box in the Search Options list. Choose ONE vase from the collection for your analysis. Include a jpeg of the vase* as well as a complete identification (Artist, Title, and Date) and the Accession/Object number, which you'll get from the Getty's record on the object. 2. Provide a discussion and analysis of the vase's formal properties, using appropriate vocabulary. 3. Discuss whether the vase is black-figure style or red-figure style or, in some cases, bilingual. (hint: you will probably want to refresh your understanding of these techniques by reading the associated sections in your book). Then, explain how the black- or red-figure technique affects the viewer's understanding of the image. What aspects of storytelling, drama, composition, etc. were made possible and/or limited by the technique used? 4. Identify and explain the myth that is depicted on the vase you've chosen - you may need to do a little research to complete this part. Be sure you discuss the specific scene/s depicted on your vase. Don't just tell me about the myth! Relate it to what you see on the vase. What scene/s has the artist chosen to render? Are there references to other parts of the myth not shown explicitly? If so, how does the artist allude to them? What iconography can you identify?

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The vase that I have chosen for the assignment analysis is a terracotta vase Caeretan Hydria. The artist has been named as the Greek Eagle Painter, who worked between 530-500 BC. The creation of the vase has been dated between 520-510 BC. The accession number is 83.AE.346.