Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Activity Week 2

Activity Week 2

Q Prompt: Draw a diagram of the neuron (sketch the neuron on a piece of paper and take a picture of it. Once completed, attach the picture to this assignment) and label and describe the function of the membrane, dendrites, cell body, axon, nodes of Ranvier, terminal buttons, myelin, axon hillock, and vesicles. This response must be at least 150 words in length. You do not need to respond to a classmate for activities but in your DT for the week, please be collaborative and encourage one another on what you discovered by completing this assignment. This assignment is worth 10 pts. and is due by Saturday (midnight). Please Select NEXT to continue PreviousNext

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Most activities involved in maintaining and functioning of neurons are started at the neuronal membrane. Membrane-related molecular agents, which associate in protein/lipid clusters to start molecular processing and signal transduction, are required for these processes. A neuron gets information from neighboring cells on its dendrite, or "tree branch." Similar to how tree branches branch as they go toward their tips, dendrites also have spines, which are leaf-like feature. The cell body, also referred to as a soma, is the central portion of a neuron. The cell body preserves the structural integrity of the neuron, houses the genetic material, and supplies energy to power operations. A neuron's soma has a nucleus and specialized organelles, just like other cell bodies do.