Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

8.2 Display Clutter

8.2 Display Clutter

Q Digital cockpits use large screens that hold multiple displays simultaneously. Some human factors specialists and users of the equipment claim there is a problem with clutter – excessive display information that can be distracting or disorienting. Explain whether you believe this plethora of information available is necessary and should remain as designed, or whether operators should have the option of reducing what is available on the display. Describe the benefits and disadvantages for your point of view. Consider that the cockpit will be in a multi-crew setting and other crew may have need of the screens, as well. Provide at least one scholarly source to support your position. Post your observation (using APA format where applicable) and comment on at least one other student posting before the end of the module week in accordance with the requirements as explained in the syllabus.

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I think that the crew members have to be trained to do multitasking activities while conducting in-flight operations. Therefore, looking at digital multiple screens/digital cockpits have to be mastered by the crew members. There must not be much scope provided to reduce the available options in the digital cockpits. This is because there can be flight members having customized preferences and this can create conflicts among crew members about standardizing a specific pattern of reduced options (Pittorie et al. 2019).