Student Solution


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3-2 Blog Trina Turk

3-2 Blog Trina Turk

Q In preparation for this blog, review the following article and website: The Queen of Prints Trina Turk California designer Trina Turk has been named “The Queen of Prints.” Her designs are a wonderful balance of color and textile design that have been interpreted into striking silhouettes. As you review the Trina Turk website, consider the following: Do you think Turk’s textile designs complement both the apparel and home market? Recently, Trina Turk developed products for Banana Republic. Why do you think Banana Republic picked Trina Turk? Name another designer, past or present, whose success focused primarily on textile design. For additional details, please refer to the Blog Rubric document.

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I feel that the products designed by Trina Turk complement both the apparel and home market. This is because there is dependence upon the type of customer shown by Trina Turk while choosing a specific textile. This implies that there can be situations when the textile might work more for the apparel because the customer might not be from the hometown where the fashion-design operations of Trina Turk might have been initiated and completed.