Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Strategic Management _Discussion 8

Strategic Management _Discussion 8

Q Please respond to the following: • Describe how an organization’s mission statement and values are supported by specific aspects in the marketing, operations, technology, management, and social responsibility sections of a business plan. • In a real life situation, feedback from your business plan development team can be extremely valuable. Explain the value of receiving feedback from your ‘team’ (your instructor and fellow students) on the various sections of your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan while you work towards making necessary revisions.

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Statement of mission and values of an organization serve as guiding lights for their employees and business. Specific aspects of the sections of operations, management, marketing, technology, and social responsibility of a business plan support the statement of mission and values. Consumers would turn to be aware regarding the unreliable and untruthful statement of the mission of the firm in case these sections of a plan of business do not present the statement of mission truthfully or properly. Consumers are inspired by the statement of mission and the direction and focus are provided for expectations-setting for operations, management, marketing, technology, and the social responsibility.