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Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP) Final Assignment

Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP) Final Assignment

Q MARKETING MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL PROJECT (MMIP): FINAL ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Each student must complete an individual marketing project. Your first task is to select a project topic. No two students will work on the same product/service. This must be an existing product, service, or organization. INSTRUCTIONS For the final project document, the student will compile the 5 project installments into 1 cohesive document. This document must be in paragraph format with question numbers removed. It must have a coherent flow, and is not simply a cut and paste of the answers to the questions used to create it. In addition, the student will add scriptural integration throughout the paper, citing relevant scripture verses as appropriate. There must be a minimum of 10 relevant scriptural citations found throughout the document, with their relevance to the topic at hand explained. The final document must include a title page, a brief introduction delineating the purpose of the project, a separate section (with heading) for each content component, and a 2-page recommendations and conclusions section. This section must offer suggestions for strategic or operational changes based on the research that has been conducted. The total length (not including title page and references) must be between 5,000–7,250 words. At least 15 scholarly resources (in addition to the Bible) must be used. The final project document must be submitted to Turnitin to check for plagiarism issues.

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Introduction The purpose of the following project will be to choose a specific category of product as well as organization so that the correct marketing and promotional channels can be chosen to market the product. There will be different phases of the product lifecycle which will be considered for marketing and promotions of the product. There will be conduction of SWOT analysis and finally recommendation and conclusions provided at the end of the paper. Discovering Marketing Management Provide a description of the product/service and a brief history of the firm. The chosen topic will be Online retail. The chosen firm will be, Inc. Online retail is an existing service provided by organizations to ensure that there can be increased global outreach. Online ordering has become more common in the current pandemic situation of COVID-19 because customers have to stay in their homes mostly. There has been decrease in the number of contaminated customers because of not gathering crowded places physically. However, doing business online implies that product-adaptation might be implemented for satisfying every customized requirement of every type of customer (Marshall & Johnston, 2019). The major area of targeting of operations of, Inc. is e-commerce (Singh & Pathak, 2021). The initial products of Amazon had been videos, books, as well as music (Singh & Pathak, 2021). However, there has been gradual enhancement in the diversity of the organization’s products by inclusion of products like toys, clothes, electronic goods, video games, etc. (Singh & Pathak, 2021). There has been acquisition of companies like Whole Foods by Amazon (Singh & Pathak, 2021). Cloud computing services are provided to customers by the organization. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one example of offering software and website developers as well as software marketers with information related to ratings of different websites (Singh & Pathak, 2021). There is quick delivery of products available for customers of Amazon with availing options of quick delivery making purchasing more convenient (Singh & Pathak, 2021). Explain your current or possible global marketing efforts. The marketing efforts of Amazon are by advertising its usefulness via social media, its personalized company website, YouTube channels, online blogs on online retail management, and via print media (Singh & Pathak, 2021). The level of demand of every product of the organization is tried to be found out via marketing research conducted by the organization (Singh & Pathak, 2021). After finding out the different levels of demand of every available product of Amazon, there is pitching of sales done accordingly. There is catering to every category of product while conducting research and obtaining results of specific levels of demand for specific products. Competitive pricing is set by the organization for every product in every product-category by setting highest pricing-ranges for products having highest level of demand and then decreasing the prices as per the lower level of demand for other products (Singh & Pathak, 2021). The value of dollar will be adapted to by the organization to ensure that the business done in developing and underdeveloped countries can be fulfilling and filled with prospects (Park, 2020). Otherwise, there can be issues with learning to earn profits by reaching out to global customers of different nations of different economic conditions and statuses.