Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Exam 2_Christian Spiritual Vision (1)

Exam 2_Christian Spiritual Vision (1)

Q Compare and contrast the Jewish and the Christian ways of ordering the books of the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament and explain the reasons for each. Include examples to support your response.

Q Compare and contrast the Jewish and the Christian ways of ordering the books of the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament and explain the reasons for each. Include examples to support your response. What is the synoptic problem? Is there a solution to it? Include examples with your response.

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As much as the belief exists that the Old Testament and the Hebrew scriptures have a lot of similarities, there are different versions as well, used by anyone who wishes to know more about them and what they comprise of. Both Christianity and Jews are monotheistic religions, having their roots in Abraham, with similar lines of teachings, faith, and traditions. The Hebrew Bible is divided into three parts, the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings, and the Old Testament is divided into Pentateuch and history, poetry, and major and minor prophets.