Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 3- Discussion

week 3- Discussion

Q For this discussion, examine exercise prescription by selecting and demonstrating three strength training exercises using video as your means of presentation. To begin, select one exercise for each of the major muscle groups (lower, core, and upper body). The goal of this assignment is to compile a large assortment of exercises among all class members. Therefore, do not hesitate to choose some of the less common exercises. Then, decide on a recording and presentation method for your exercises using one of the following options: Option A: Direct Video Recording: Write a script for each of your exercises. Name and save your script as a MS Word document. Record the exercises using a cell phone or digital video camera. Be sure to clearly demonstrate the starting position and movement (Refer back to pages 104-110 of your course text for examples) of each exercise. Upload your video to YouTube (Android (Links to an external site.) ; iPhone/iPad (Links to an external site.)) or other web-based video platform and obtain a link to share with others. Paste your video link and script within your initial post in this discussion forum. Option B: Create a Screencast of a PowerPoint (or equivalent) presentation: Take photos of key points in each exercise and place them in PowerPoint using appropriate titling and transitions. (Refer back to pages 104-110 of your course text for examples.) Write speaker’s notes as a script for each of your exercises at the bottom of each slide. Use either Jing Download Jingor Screencast-O-Matic Download Screencast-O-Maticto record your presentation and voice. (You will need either a laptop’s built-in microphone or an external microphone headset to record your voice.) Using either screen cast software package, obtain a link to share with others. Paste your video link and post your PowerPoint file within your initial post in this discussion forum. Your chosen method should entail the following components for each exercise: The starting position and movement should be clearly performed and commented on. Some exercises may have a third component. Should this be the case, it must be addressed as well. Watch for proper form and movement in your demonstration. The muscles (primary and/or secondary) that are worked in the exercise. You must use the correct medical terminology for the muscles worked. Stating the back or shoulder is not sufficient. Any equipment needed, if applicable to the exercise. Expert tips regarding the exercise such as what to look for when observing someone performing the exercise, what to avoid when performing the exercise, placement of feet or other body parts, safety precautions, etc. Copy and paste the link to your screencast or video (do not include it as an attachment) into the discussion post, along with your video script or PowerPoint presentation (do not convert your PowerPoint presentation to PDF as the speaker notes sections cannot be viewed in PDF format) slide deck. Be prepared before you get in front of the camera as videos should be 10 minutes in length or less. Finally, within your initial post, briefly describe in writing how your chosen strength exercises improve overall fitness and wellness.

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Upper body: push ups in different variations, are a great place to start. If regular push-ups are too easy, place your hands on a chair or some books. Another way to enhance your push-up is to elevate your feet, again on a sturdy chair. Table rows (inverted row) are an example of an upper back exercise.