Student Solution


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week 3 Nutrition and Wellness

week 3 Nutrition and Wellness

Q The most interesting thing I learnt is regarding the necessity to curb the problems we have due to eating. Eating well is an important component of losing weight and being healthy. I also liked the self tests in the book. I understood how bad red meat is for our health. Basically reading Chapter 3 made me more aware of certain things. Health is the real wealth and we must reduce the red meat consumption. My target for me and my family is to maintain a balanced diet and have a fit body. Every chapter till now has been enlightening.

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Hello Kristen, I read your post and really liked it. I also looked up page number 95 and yes indeed it provides necessary information. It also gave me a clearer understanding of red meat consumption. I was also shocked by the life expectancy part. Food really does play a big role in our well-being. Good post!