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pros and cons of Egilatarian grading (2)

pros and cons of Egilatarian grading

Q An Egalitarian grading system is one that uses a letter or alphabetical scale, rather than numbers to mark students. For example this system of grading stands like: A = 91 points and above, B = 81 to 90 points, C =71 to 80 points, D = 61 to 70 points, E = 51 to 60 points, F = 50 and below. These alphabetical grades also stand for a qualitative description – for example , letter grade E and above are passed, letter grade F fail, letter grades C and D are average, letter grade B is above average, and letter grade A is outstanding.

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The pros of an Egalitarian grading system are: Takes the pressure off students as the most obvious effect of a letter grading system is that it takes the pressure of microscopic score comparisons between students. Since letter grading tends to group students into bands, the difference between a 90 and 92 isn't fussed over. More easily achievable, since the letter grading system consists of bands, the push a student may need to form to manoeuvre from a high B to a smooth A is more easily surmountable. it's a matter of achieving a couple of marks to vary your letter grade, in these cases