Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

dq 4_staff

dq 4_staff

Q Part 1 of 3: What roles should HR professionals play in staffing decisions? Why? Please conduct research to support your findings, citing at least one scholarly resource in APA format. Part 2 of 3: How would you encourage individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing systems and retention/separation management to ensure that they themselves engage in legal activities? Please conduct research to support your findings, citing at least one scholarly resource in APA format.

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Human resources is a very important part of any company as employees are one of the biggest assets of an organization and it is the duty of the HR department to choose people who are suitable for the organization as well as the job role. According to Brenda Vermeeren, Bram Steijn, Lars Tummers, Marcel Lankhaar, Robbert-Jan Poerstamper, and Sandra van Beek (2014), the main goal of the HR management is to ensure that the overall performance of the organization is increasing and it is very important to choose right candidates for right positions in order to increase the total performance. If a person is suitable for the job then it can increase work efficiency and the performance will automatically get better. Also, HR management ensures the overall relationships within an organization as it is a vital thing that the management and the employees have good relationship as this can improve collaboration, ultimately leading to better performance.