Moral values guide people on how to live and act i
Worksheet 4.2
Q 1
50 / 50 points
Place the following steps in carbohydrate digestion in the correct sequence:
Results for item 3.
25 / 25 points
Match the following:
Glycemic load
Correct Order Answer: The enzyme salivary amylase starts breaking starch into shorter polysaccharides. Correct Order Answer: Salivary amylase is inactivated by acid. Correct Order Answer: Pancreatic amylase completes the break down of starch into disaccharides and oligosaccharides. Correct Order Answer: At the villi of the small intestine, enzymes attached to the microvilli complete the digestion of disaccharides and oligosaccharides into monosaccharides. Correct Order Answer: Fiber is partially brokwn down by bacteria to form short-chain fatty acids and gas. Remaining fiber is excreted in the feces.