Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q Include your answers to the Disease Laboratory questions and submit this file. The Virgin Field – Part 1 1. (3 pts.) Are the results identical each time the simulation is run? How do the results compare to each other? What factors might contribute to susceptibility to the disease? The Virgin Field – Part 2 2. (2 pts.) What could be done to prevent the spread of disease in an area with a low population density? 3. (2 pt.) How would a high population density complicate trying to prevent the spread of disease? Vaccination – Part 1 4. (2 pts.) Notice that influenza, unlike Kold, has a death rate. How many people die, on average, when you run the simulator on the virgin field? (Death toll is shown in the results above the graphic representation of the field.) Compared to Kold, are there more or fewer people who end up becoming immune after contracting the disease? 5. (2 pts.) How does a death toll change with taking precautionary factors or preventative measures? What kinds of precautions might you take with influenza that you might not have taken with Kold?

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Answer: No, the results were not identical each time. As no of days increased, the sick days reported and ending contagious decreased.