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2 Subjects

Week Six General Discussion Question

Week Six General Discussion Question

Q Reply to the following instructor's general discussion question(s) according to the discussion board guidelines. The time value of money is a core concept of finance and investing. I would say it's also very important in financial and managerial accounting. In fact, page 6-3 of the textbook presents applications of time value of money in financial accounting. Please tell us about your experiences (in academia and real life) with the time value of money concept.

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My experiences with the time value of money concept is pretty simple and I've always been taught by my family that you should try your best to not sit on your money. They'd say if you put a dollar under your mattress, it'll be worth less when you wake up and take it out tomorrow morning. That quickly made me realize how important it is to use your money as an investment vehicle to accumulate wealth. You want to make your money work for you and overtime it will pay off.