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Week Five General Discussion Question

Week Five General Discussion Question

Q Reply to the following instructor's general discussion question(s) according to the discussion board guidelines. Comparative balance sheets contain important information used by external (and internal) users of financial statements. From that information, users can calculate important financial ratios. Appendix 5A of Chapter 5 addresses four broad categories of financial ratios. Choose one such category and discuss it. What does it measure? Which specific class of users would be interested in these ratios?

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There are metrics known as liquidity ratios that evaluate a company's capacity to meet its short-term obligations using its available cash and other liquid assets. This class of ratios contains the current ratio, the quick ratio, and the cash ratio. Liquidity ratios are the most important financial metrics for investors, lenders, and other stakeholders concerned with the short-term solvency of the organization. A bank may use these ratios to determine whether or not to extend a loan to a company, while an investor may do the same to gauge the security of their investment.