Student Solution


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Week 9- Discussion-Urban Anthropology

Week 9- Discussion-Urban Anthropology

Q We live in a city in which we’re well aware of vast economic inequality, and as the introduction to the special journal issue on urban inequality post 2007 financial crisis states “in the decade after the start of the last great crisis of capitalism inequality has risen in cities,” that inequality isn't static. We are also now experiencing an unprecedented crisis - covid-19. How is this pandemic disproportionately affecting low-income populations or otherwise marginalized communities in our city?

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It can be said that the crisis has been affecting most of us within the diverse economy but the most affected among all are the low-income population. There are many jobs that employ the low income section of people and there is no option for them to work from home as their work is in the factories or to do labor work. It also becomes very difficult for them to manage their savings as they have to buy stuff on a daily basis. Covid-19 has affected the low-income people in the employment area as they do not have an option to earn money for their living.