Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 8 Video

Week 8 Video

Q Instructions Learning objective: Examine the responsible use of social media, and the potential impact on a job search Prompt:: Prepare a video that can be used to demonstrate your skills Instructions: In addition to your employment application or application for a promotion, cover letter, and resume, you may be asked to include a 3-5 minute video. Prepare a short video presentation introducing yourself and highlight what you want the interviewer to know about you. You can use this assignment page's Record Video button, or use the Insert Stuff button to add video from Kaltura, YouTube, or a URL. Attach the file to this assignment. Submit the transcript for your video and include the link to the video, if needed (make sure to mark your YouTube videos as public, not private).

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I am **** originally born in Sao Paulo, Brazil where I lived as a child until 6 years of age. I attended elementary school, middle school and high school in Wuerzburg. I also attended vocational college after high school where I earned my diploma on Domestic Science. I earned my Associates Degree in Art and Business in Fort Riley, Kansas. I worked as a personal banker for almost 2 years from 2013 in New Mexico, Las Cruses.