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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
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Week 7 Midterm

Week 7 Midterm

Q ED 2355: Children’s Literature Midterm- Author/Illustrator Study The project is divided into a paper and a presentation. THE PAPER should have 3 sections. Section 1: Two-page biography about your author/illustrator. Include any relevant background information about the author that helps to know him/her better. What is this author most known for? Are there any common themes or features across his/her texts? Who or what has influenced the author the most? How does the author’s life experiences connect to his/her works? Tell us some cool things or “fun facts” about the author. Cite your sources. Include a link to the author’s website if they have one. Section 2: Choose 3 of the author’s books to read and create a brief annotated bibliography for each text. (If working with a partner then choose 3 books each for a total of 6). (Numbers can be negotiated for newer authors with fewer books or novels only). Please include the following information for each book: • Title • Author/Illustrator • Publisher/Year • Summary of the Book: The summary should be at least 5 sentences and include the ending. (Each summary should be in your own words.) • Noteworthy information: (might be about cool things in the peritext, how the author got his/her idea for the book, or other info). This is the best part! • Link to read aloud video for each picture book. Section 3: Personal connections to the author. • Now that you have learned about this author/illustrator’s work – what about it appeals to you and why? (if you are working in partners then each person writes their own. Label yours with your name.) PRESENTATION Create a digital presentation to submit on Canvas and present to a group during class. (You can use Powerpoint, Prezi, or Voice Thread (or other with approval). This digital presentation should include information from sections 1-3 and include images of the texts, author, their life, etc.. Extra Credit: You locate and bring in 3 physical copies of the books you review. Sites to learn about your author (as well as just “Google them”) • AdLit author interviews • Colori?n Colorado author interviews • Reading Rockets author interviews • Teaching Books • Kid Lit TV • ALA’s Great Websites for Kids: Authors and Illustrators • Through the Looking Glass: Author and Illustrator Websites • NBC Writers Speak to Kids • Kids Reads Author News and Interviews • Scholastic Books and Authors • Random House Resources for Teachers and Librarians • Famous Children’s Authors • Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site • Letters About Literature, Library of Congress Writing Contest Rubric CRITERIA NOTES Pts Paper Section 1 -Addresses all questions. -Well written, organized, lacking errors (edit) -Cite your sources properly within the text and list the sources at the end of the section. Note: If working with a partner you write this section together. /30 Paper Section 2 -All 7 parts are included for each book. If I randomly google a summary or noteworthy information I will not find verbatim what you wrote. 3 books total if working alone. 6 total if working with a partner. Label which books you review if working with a partner. /25 Paper Section 3 -Write from your perspective. Use “I”. -Use some examples to support what you write about why the work is appealing. Note: If doing a partner project, each partner writes their own section. Put your name or initials at the end of what you write. /5 Presentation Form -Your digital presentation is pleasing to look at, has no spelling or grammar errors and is well organized. -Text is not overwhelming and is not just copied and pasted from your paper. -Images are included. Partners make one presentation together. /25 Oral Presentation Have some images from your books for your group to look at (video format). Present with oral clarity and a volume so your group can hear you. Partners should divide the oral presentation in half and each take parts. /10 Learning as Audience What do you learn from the other presentations in your group? Handout in class for you to use and pass in. /5

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Uma Krishnaswami was born in 1956, in New Delhi, India. She lived in Maryland and New Mexico before settling in British Columbia. She is an Indian writer of picture books and novels for children. She is also a writing teacher. She is known for her voice on expanding multicultural and international literature. Besides writing, she is a speaker. She has spoken in multiple countries, such as, US, Canada, India, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Her books have been translated into eleven languages. She also teaches writing at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. My first name, Uma, is the name of a Goddess from Hindu Mythology.