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Week 6 Short Paper

Week 6 Short Paper

Q Network Management Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network management tools associated with (1) policy compliance, (2) bandwidth management, and (3) asset management. Compare and contrast, at least, one tool for each of the three network management areas. What is the best tool for each area? Can one tool be used for managing more than one area? Why or why not? Required Section Headings: • Introduction • Policy Compliance Tool • Bandwidth Management Tool • Asset Management Tool • Tool Comparison • Summary/Conclusion Remember to support your statements with factual information (i.e., attribution/citations). In addition, material from the course textbook or the textbook's author(s) cannot comprise more than 25% of the sourced and/or quoted material. The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020), (7th ed.), and contain, at least, three scholarly/peer-reviewed references, three to five pages of content, and a reference page. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool. More APA assistance can be found at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.). In addition, the WilmU Student Success Center’s website (Links to an external site.) contains more resources related to APA Formatting, Grammar, and Research Writing. Rubric Short Paper Rubric Short Paper Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction/Background 25 to >23.0 pts EXCELLENT The introduction and/or background have excellent detail providing a clear understanding of the paper’s direction with excellent integration of course material and the assignment’s requirements. and The introduction and/or background appropriately and concisely introduce the paper’s content while providing the paper’s focus. and The introduction’s length is not more than one (1) page for papers less than 10 pages or the length is not more than 20% of assigned paper’s length for papers greater than 10 pages. 23 to >21.0 pts GOOD The introduction and/or background have good detail providing a clear understanding of the paper’s direction with good integration of course material and the assignment’s requirements. and The introduction’s length is not more than one (1) page for papers less than 10 pages or the length is not more than 20% of assigned paper’s length for papers greater than 10 pages. 21 to >20.0 pts SATISFACTORY The introduction and/or background have adequate detail providing a general understanding of the paper’s direction. Some additional information would be helpful to the development of the paper. and/or The introduction’s length is not more than 20% of assigned paper’s length. 20 to >18.0 pts NEEDS IMPROVEMENT The introduction and/or background lacks context with little sense of direction/focus, and/or is cursory and marginally related to the assignment or focus of the paper. and/or Its brevity fails to provide sufficient detail or its length provides an over-abundance of unnecessary information. 18 to >0 pts UNSATISFACTORY The introduction and/or background lacks context, with no sense of direction/focus, and/or is insufficient and not clearly related to the assignment or the focus of the paper. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent (Findings/Analysis) 25 to >23.0 pts The content is fully developed providing excellent detail related to the assignment’s requirements with exceptional integration of course material and information showing a good understanding of the course concepts associated with the assignment. 23 to >21.0 pts The content is well developed providing good detail related to the assignment’s requirements with good integration of course material and information showing an understanding of the course concepts associated with the assignment. 21 to >20.0 pts The content provides appropriate detail related to the assignment’s requirements with adequate integration of course material and information showing a basic understanding of the course concepts associated with the assignment. 20 to >18.0 pts The content tends to be insufficient and is loosely related to the assignment’s requirements, course content, and/or the content leaves too much open to interpretation. 18 to >0 pts The content is largely conjecture, fails to meet the assignment’s requirements, and/or is not related to the course information, course content and/or the assignment. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and/or Recommendation(s) 25 to >23.0 pts The conclusions (if required) and/or the recommendations (if required) directly relate to the assignment’s content and the assignment’s requirements with excellent integration and detail providing a clear understanding of the conclusions / recommendations. 23 to >21.0 pts The conclusions (if required) and/or the recommendations (if required) directly relate to the assignment’s content and the assignment’s requirements with good integration and detail providing an understanding of the conclusions / recommendations. 21 to >20.0 pts The conclusions (if required) and/or the recommendations (if required) generally relate to the assignment’s content and the assignment’s requirements, but need more detail for a full understanding. 20 to >18.0 pts The conclusions (if required) and/or the recommendations (if required) do not clearly connect with the assignment’s content or the assignment’s requirements. 18 to >0 pts The conclusions (if required) and/or the recommendations (if required) tend to be cursory in nature, weak in content, not related to the assignment’s requirements, or non-existent. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format, Literary Sources, & Grammatical Excellence 25 to >23.0 pts The combination of APA formatting, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and grammatical errors is 2 or less. and The number of literary sources (if required) exceeds the requirement by at least four and all sources are appropriately used to support the paper’s content. 23 to >21.0 pts The combination of APA formatting, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and grammar errors is 3 and 5. and The number of literary sources (if required) exceeds the requirement by at least two and all sources are appropriately used to support the paper’s content. 21 to >20.0 pts The combination of APA formatting, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and grammatical errors is 6 to 8. and The minimum number of required literary sources (if required) is used to support the paper’s content. 20 to >18.0 pts The combination of APA formatting, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and grammatical errors is 9 to 11. and/or The minimum number of required literary sources (if required) is not met. 18 to >0 pts The combination of APA formatting, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and grammatical errors is 12 or more. and/or There are no referenced sources and/or citations for quoted material. 25 pts Total Points: 100

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Introduction - Network management plays a pivotal role in the information technology (IT) in any organization. The mostly paperwork in organizations shifted to software devices like personal computers/laptops etc. Different network management tools can help the management and employees of an organization to work smoothly and with ease. We discuss various tools related to Asset Management, Policy Compliance, and Bandwidth Management in detail below. Then we will compare those tools and pick the best one for each of these areas. In the end, we present a summary/conclusion of our discussion.