Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Precis (1)

Week 6 Precis (1)

Q Each student is required to find one current issue utilizing the provided links on Canvas and turn in a one-page report on the course Canvas site. The report should examine one topic or issue from the provided news/political sites that addresses some issue of diversity in society. and include a brief discussion of socio-political theoretical elements from the weekly assigned reading materials. The report should utilize APA citation conventions. A précis is a critical paper that succinctly summarizes the principle arguments, ideas, and themes of the article you choose, and articulates a reasoned, critical perspective (your informed interpretation) on it. A critical perspective can take many forms: evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, insights and blind spots of an argument or theory; placing the text in conversation with another text or theoretical approach; reflecting on the potential significance of the text’s arguments; discussing how the text has impacted the précis writer’s thinking regarding a problem or question.

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When the first constitution of the nation was built it was way ahead and that has been amended over the time which has made many adjustments. The news article that I have chosen for this week discussion is the need for the new amendment of the constitution which has been changed several times but still lack a lot of major changes to be made. The article says that the founding father of the constitution of the nation had held the thought that each and every man in this world has been created equal which means that they should be getting the equal rights in various areas. But the article points out that it didn’t really mean all men instead the constitution only favored certain community and one gender leaving the other into distress.