Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Discussion F 6.2

Week 6 Discussion F 6.2

Q Before posting your discussion, be sure to answer the questionnaire items about personality on Activity #8. Once you have answered the questions on the activity (and reviewed the answers), post a discussion with your responses and reactions to the information that was provided. First, provide a brief description on the theorists’ that you seemed to align with the most; what is he/she most known for, what time period was he/she active in, etc. Which personality theorist do you think you aligned with the most based on the previous readings (prior to taking the personality activity)? Was it the same as the one(s) you aligned with based on the activity? How do your ideals/views match (or not match up) with the personality theorists you were most aligned with? The theorists for each question are as follows: Question 1: Heredity: Freud, Jung; Environment: Skinner, Watson, Bandura, Rogers Question 2: Self: Rogers, Maslow, Erikson, Horney, Jung; No Self: Watson, Skinner, Mischel Question 3: Unchanging: Freud, Cattell; Changing: Rogers, Mischel, Social Learning Question 4: Past: Watson, Skinner; Future: Adler, Rogers, Maslow, Bandura Question 5: General: Watson, Skinner; Unique: Adler, Rogers, Bandura Question 6: Self-centered: Freud, Jung; Altruistic: Maslow, Rogers, Bandura Question 7: Rewards: Skinner, Bandura, Freud, Maslow; Punishment: Watson Question 8: Personal: Rogers, Maslow; Social: Skinner, Bandura, Mischel Question 9: Constructive: Adler, Rogers, Maslow; Destructive: Freud Question 10: No purpose: Skinner, Watson, Bandura, Mischel; Purpose: Horney, Rogers, Maslow, Jung

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After having a close review of the responses and reactions that were provided after the completion of the questionnaire I could figure out that I most closely align with the theorists Carl Rogers. He is an American psychologist and one of the persons towards the foundation of the humanistic approach to psychology. His contribution to the field of psychology is his humanistic approach therapy technique which is commonly known as a client-centered therapy