Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Week 5 Assn

Week 5 Assn

Q Assignment (A3): Week 5: Systems Story After reading the collection of Systems Stories in the Course Material section entitled Once Upon a Complex Time (Brynteson, 2006) in Blackboard (an edited compilation by the author used with the author’s permission), write a systems story of your own. This document is found in Learning Modules>Readings. Follow the pattern in your reading: a short story with a reflection. The reflection part is essential. Use the reflection to tie your story to one of the systems concepts you have read about this week or one of the systems concepts that appear in Brynteson’ s Systems Stories. {One to two pages maximum}. Post to Blackboard in the Assignment section.

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My systems story is based on my experience in my previous organization where I had been working with a complicated and unpredictable manager. I had been working with this manager for one year and my manager knew that I was a dedicated employee. Therefore, during training sessions conducted for our team, I never used to be paid too much of attention by my manager. I used to have difficulties at times understanding the lectures during the training sessions. However, I used to listen to the videos of the training sessions at my workplace. After repeatedly watching and listening to the training videos, I used to get my doubts cleared.