Student Solution


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Week 5 - Group Discussion 2

Week 5 - Group Discussion 2

Q Discuss the following; post your initial response by Thursday night at 11:59 pm and then respond to at least two of your group members before Sunday at 11:59 pm. Analyze the basic ideas of death and the afterlife as they develop in Hinduism, noting the important differences. Discuss the aspects of karma, samsara (rebirth), and moksha in Hinduism.

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Whenever I hear the term Hinduism, I instantly think about karma and reincarnation. I think about the god that has many arms and the one with the head of an elephant. Hinduism is known for its rich and varied culture, rituals, and religious practices. It was interesting to learn more about all the common concepts being taught about Hinduism’s views and beliefs on death and rebirth in this week’s readings.