Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4_Initial Post_Victimology

Week 4_Initial Post_Victimology

Q You are having a discussion with your friend, Oscar, and he asks you what classes you are taking this term. You tell him that one of your classes is Women and the Criminal Justice System and that the current module is on women who are victims of child abuse, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault. Oscar then makes the following statement “I just do not understand women who stay in a battering relationship. My cousin, Elizabeth, is married to Alex who beats her and then, during the very few times she comes to family events she defends him to our family saying that Alex is a good husband and father to her two children. I do not understand why Elizabeth just does not leave Alex.” In your initial discussion post you will explain why Elizabeth does not leave Alex.

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It is not uncommon for victims of intimate partner violence, both men and women, to keep the offense away from the eyes of the law, and instead prefer go on suffering, because it is regarded as a something personal and also the tendency to protect the offender, who is, after all, an intimate partner. Most women do not report in fear of reprisal and further violence and abuse and suffer silently. Sometimes it can also be for the sake of the children, whose future prospects and the troubles thereon, become strong reasons for keeping the violence under cover (Reaves, 2017).