Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4_Business Writing

Week 4_Business Writing

Q Analyzing Real Business Messages Up to this point, you’ve read a few textbook chapters suggesting that business communication is very important. But, without real world examples, this idea may seem a bit vague. Why do letters matter? Why would anybody bother to devote time and effort to writing a effective (as opposed to a mediocre) memo? In this activity, you’ll have an opportunity to read a few real business documents—some of which have been generally praised in the media and others of which have been broadly criticized. After you’ve read them all, write a response on a single document. Your response might discuss features that you found especially effective or ineffective, that you found surprising (in either good or bad ways), that you would like to emulate in your own writing, or that you would like to avoid. ?

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For this context, the document I am going to review is the option III - A Resignation Letter from Groupon. First of all, I would like to mention that among the three, this particular one caught my attention, because unlike the other two, this one is about an individual’s decision to get rid of an organization’s culture and atmosphere. It is easy assume prior going through the letter that the writer might be aggravated or disappointed about any aspect of the organization he or she was working in and the letter is a harsh consequence of that.