Student Solution


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1 Subject

Week 4- Bias vs Objectivity-Drugs and Society

Week 4- Bias vs Objectivity-Drugs and Society

Q The professional subculture of journalism is made up of several components or elements, some of which push a drug story in the direction of bias and others of which toward objectivity and accuracy. Explain what these elements are and how they could have such influences on a drug story, giving examples from specific drugs during specific eras.

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While reviewing the textbook, it can be said that there are always two ways of identifying the biases. The two terms can be factual and selection bias. The factual bias basically helps us in understanding the factual and empirical claims which are false and to try to justify the particular given position in accordance with the information that is being used. On the other hand, selection bias tends to focus on the particular fact which helps in understanding the challenges that are proposed while supporting a particular situation.