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Week 4 What to Do When Scared Workers Don't Report for Work Due to COVID-19

Week 4 What to Do When Scared Workers Don't Report for Work Due to COVID-19

Q • Please take a few moments and read the article, "What to Do When Scared Workers Don't Report for Work Due to COVID-19" at (Smith, 2020) • • The article mentions several legal remedies that employees have if the do not report to work due to fear and anxiety over contracting COVID-19. Leadership within companies need to use and "extra dose" of empathy during this time. Yet, companies risk losing valuable human resources if employees decide to stay home rather than report to work. • • Alex Smith mentions a comment from Ryan McGinness, attorney at Fox Rothchild in Philadelphia, PA. "A good first step for an employer to respond to an essential worker who's expressing fears of returning to work is to actively listen to the employee and have a conversation. What are their specific concerns? Are they reasonable?" (Smith, 2020) • • Class, please provide you perspective on this controversial issue. Should companies allow employees to stay home from work if they have concerns or anxiety about contracting COVID-19? What legal rights do employees have if they feel they need to stay home due to COVID-19 concerns? • • Smith, Allen. What to Do When Scared Workers Don't Report for Work Due to COVID-19. SHRM, 2020. Retrieved on September 2, 2020 from

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I think that employees can be allowed to stay at home for some days and work from office for some days alternatively. This is because there has to be overcoming of fear of employees getting contracted by COVID-19. Employees having fear and not willing to go to the workplace will have to be communicated with by the employer regularly. There must be convincing of such employees that the workplace has to be kept running for giving the opportunity to the employer to make minimal profits. There must also be explaining to such employees by the employer about not being able to pay salaries to all the employees in full because of lack of profits for the company for employees not coming to the workplace.