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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 4 Paper Topic

Week 4 Paper Topic

Q Spring 2022 Professor: Stephanie Cappadona Justice and Human Rights Advocacy--Writing Assignment #1- Research Paper Purpose: ? To acquaint students with scholastic journals, texts and other resources within a specific field or topic of interest. ? To familiarize students with human rights issues ? To expose students to international adherence to the Declaration of Human Rights ? T acquaint students with a variety of human rights remedies ? To develop expression of thought through writing. Topic: You should select an aspect of justice and human rights with which you are not familiar. Choose a violation of human rights that occurs either in the United States or another country (ex: genocide, police brutality, human trafficking, capital punishment etc). Research the topic and write your research paper according to the format listed below. The final paper is worth 150 points: 10 points for the paper topic;15 points for the annotated bibliography; 10 points for the completed outline; 15 points for the rough draft; 100 points for the final paper. Total of 150 points Research paper format: I. Introduction-describe what the paper includes: HR violation, mention of the Declaration of HR. (1 page) [10 points] II. Detailed discussion of topic—who / what/ why /when /where/ how? Also include any social, political, religious, economic or historical factors that may contribute to the violation of human rights. (3-4 pages) [35 points] III. Which section of the Declaration of Human Rights does it violate? Do not choose more than 3; 2 are required. Specifically explain point by point how the topic violated each human right (up to 3). (2-3 pages) [25 points] IV. Conclusion-restate the HR issue, summarize your research on the topic and incorporate social policy solutions. (1-2 pages) [10 points] V. References- you are required to use 3 academic journal articles and at least 3 other sources for a minimum of 6 resources. You must use APA format for citations in the paper. [20 points] Requirements: 1. DO NOT WRITE IN THE 1st PERSON—This is not an opinion paper, it is a research paper. You are only reporting the current literature in the field. 2. Paper should be 6-8 pages, double-space typed (not including cover page and bibliography) 3. Use a cover page with name, date and class. 4. You need to have at least 3 academic journal articles and 3 alternate sources, for a total of resources. 5. Format for in-text citations and the bibliography is APA only! 6. DUE DATES: All documents must be submitted via Canvas. (150 points total) 1) Paper topic (10 Points)-DUE: Week 4 2) Annotated bibliography (15 points)- DUE: Week 6 3) Outline- you must follow the above format (10 points)-DUE: Week 7 4) Rough draft (15 points)- DUE: Week 9 5) Final Paper- (100 points)- DUE: day of the final exam

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The Holocaust (The Shoah in Hebrew) was carried out by the Nazis in order to eliminate the Jews from Europe. It began during World War Two, after the Nazi German regime and its allies took control of Poland in 1939 (Cesarani, 2022). The Nazis devised what they termed “The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem” and began to confine the Polish Jews to ghettos (“What was the Holocaust?”, 2022). Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party condemned Jews to death and killed them en masse using Einsatzgruppen death squads (Cesarani, 2022). They set up the first extermination camp Chelmno (in Poland) and continued to persecute thousands of Jews and other groups of people whom they considered undesirable.