Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4 Live assignment

Week 4 Live assignment

Q Each week I will host a live Thursday night 7:00 pm session via Collaborate Ultra. It will be scheduled for one hour but may take less time if there are few questions. The session will include an assignment that will count toward your course grade. However, the session will be recorded and made available in Collaborate Ultra for your review if you choose to not attend or are unable to attend. So, you can complete the assignment without attending the event in real time. The Week 4 session focuses on process design and facility design. Organizations are filled with processes; payroll processes, hiring processes, inventory management processes, accounts payable processes, manufacturing processes, and the list goes on and on. This week explains some of the types of processes and how they differ. The second major topic of the week is facility layout methods and choices. An efficient layout saves money and time. One of this week's Power Point charts depicted several categories of products and their related production processes. Answer the following questions: 1. The chart states that "building a custom house" is an example of a project. Why did the author specifically include the word "custom"? Why would building several very similar tract homes not be an example of a project? 2. Why is a local bakery an example of a batch process while a beauty shop is not? Is the Fry's bakery an example of a batch process or some other process? Explain. 3. The Toyota factory in Georgetown, Kentucky manufactures over 500,000 Camry's each year, about one every two minutes. Is this an example of a repetitive process or a continuous process? Explain. A typical good response for this assignment would be 150 - 200 words.

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The word custom is used because the author means that the house that is going to be constructed is custom made or has features that are only thought by the author. Building several similar tract homes cannot be a part of the project because tract houses require less architectural design and also the labor cost are reduced because the workers who will be working need to have enough skills and have the ability to adjust with the movement of the construction process. The bakery process can be called the batch process because of the small batch of products and this is the easy process to