Student Solution


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Week 4 Internal Environment Report

Week 4 Internal Environment Report

Q 1. Given the company’s Vision, Mission and Objectives (VMO), identify the company’s core competencies and assess which ones are rare, costly, or not easily imitated. Discuss how they are related to and critical to the VMO execution. 2. Present a summary of your organization's strengths and weaknesses. Submit the SWOT format in Table form and add in some narrative to discuss the strengths and weaknesses in more detail. Explain in your discussion (not in the table) why you selected them and how they relate to the VMO and organization strategy. (Note: You will have an opportunity to complete a full SWOT analysis, including threats and opportunities, as part of your week 6 paper.). You might find this resource helpful: 3. Apply the Resource-Based View (RBV) to help you identify both the tangible and intangible assets your organization may be able to use to accomplish its intended strategies. You can list them in a table form and then follow with a discussion of the assets, why you selected them and how they relate to the VMO and strategy. 4. Consider and discuss the things that may make your organization's resources and capabilities difficult for others to imitate. Use Value Chain Analysis to help you deepen your understanding of the relative value of the resources and capabilities you have identified. Seek objective and independently verifiable evidence of potential rarity of the resources and capabilities.

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XYZ Solutions, a company motivated to work in the best interest of providing expert solutions to the clients in need, relies on an efficient team of experts that are capable of delivering IT related solutions and an administrative that efficiently coordinates the functions of the various departments. The vision of the company is to become an IT all-rounder that companies look up to and the mission is achieving goals of becoming a technological giant through teamwork, curiosity, and keenness towards innovations. The objective of the company is to create and manage solution database built by experts and connect with budding