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2 Subjects

Week 3 Response Essay Draft

Week 3 Response Essay Draft

Q ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, you will be writing a response to one of the articles in the Week 3 module that explains whether you agree or disagree with the main idea or argument of that article. This response must contain an argument about the article that explains why you agree or disagree with the article’s main point. Use what you’ve already learned about basic essay structure and argumentative writing to write your essay. That includes: • An introduction that names the article you are responding to and what it discussed, your thesis statement (whether you agree or disagree with the article), and a preview of that evidence you will use to support this thesis. • A body section that addresses 2 to 3 reasons why you agree or disagree with the article, which each of these reasons supported by evidence and fully explained.. • A conclusion that brings a sense of closure without simply repeating your thesis statement. REQUIREMENTS: • 1-2 pages long • APA formatted (use the paper template) TIPS: • You are not writing a summary of the article you read, but an argument about that article. That means that you do not need to describe the entire contents of the article, just the overall point it is making and any specific ideas that are important to understanding your evidence. The majority of this essay should be your argument, not the content of the article you are responding to. • Write about the article you are responding to as if the person reading your essay has never read the article. That means that you do not want to call it “the second article” or “the article about…” You want to provide the name of the article and other information that is necessary for someone to understand where the article is coming from and what it is about. • You don’t need to explain what you are going to do in your essay. Let your clear writing do that work for you. For example, don’t write “In this essay, I am going to respond to the article…” or “I will now explain why the article is inaccurate.” Instead, your thesis statement and transitions will let your reader know your goal and the way you are approaching it. • Don’t just name your reasons, explain them. For example, saying that an idea from an article was clear is simply naming that idea “clear.” You need to explain why it was a clear idea and how that clarity supports your agreeing with the article.

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