Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 3 Project Discussion

Week 3 Project Discussion

Q Now that you have identified the program that you would like to implement to motivate your employees ...I want you to help each other through the next 2 assignments. You will be asked to do a cost/benefit analysis as well as identify possible risks associated with your proposal. Please post a brief description of your proposal by the end of this week. You should spend the next several weeks checking back in to respond to your classmates and offer suggestions.

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Motivating in the workplace is important so thus having a strategy to motivate the workers in one’s organization has to be done properly. Here I present my proposal of motivating the workers in my workplace. I would surely go for the incentive proposal at first for the workers because everyone has come to work for one sole reason and that is money. If they are getting the chance to earn extra money then they will surely get motivated to work. I will also make sure that it does not create a negative impact on the workers.