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Week 3 Homework Assignment

Week 3 Homework assignment

Q Homework Assignment Written Assignment Click for more options Week 3 Homework Assignment (20 points) Use the data in the table below for this week’s assignment Production (millions of vehicles) MANUFACTURER Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOYOTA 8.04 8.53 9.24 7.23 8.56 GM 8.97 9.35 8.28 6.46 8.48 VOLKSWAGEN 5.68 6.27 6.44 6.07 7.34 HYUNDAI 2.51 2.62 2.78 4.65 5.76 Instructions: Input the data into an SPSS work sheet. Make sure that all your variables are labelled appropriately Construct a line graph for the time series data years 1 through 5 showing the number of vehicles manufactured by each automotive company. Show the time series for all four manufacturers on the same graph What does the line chart indicate about vehicle production amounts from years 1 through 5? Construct a clustered-bar chart showing vehicles produced by automobile manufacturers using the year 1 through 5 data. Represent the years of production along the horizontal axis, and cluster the production amounts for the manufacturers in each year. Which company is the leading manufacturer in each year? Save all your commands to a syntax file Deliverables: Word document in APA style formatting addressing tasks 2 – 5 above. SPSS Syntax file

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2. Interpretation Line Graph Multiple line graphs have space-saving characteristics over a comparable grouped bar graph. Because the data values are marked by small marks (points) and not bars, they do not have to be offset from each other. "Here, we have taken the same graph seen above and added a second independent variable, MANUFACTURER. Both the independent variables, manufacturer and year, can be treated as being either scalar or nominal. Though we could label each bar with text indicating the production, it is more efficient to use color and a different symbol on the data points. We will need a legend to explain the coding scheme. The blue color represents the GM, green represents the Hyundai, purple represents the Toyota, and the orange represent the Volkswagen in the line graph.?