Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Week 2 Discussion (3)

Week 2 Discussion (3)

Q Google at least 3 parenting "experts" to become familiar with their parenting philosophies. Briefly describe each. Select the one that you feel would be most helpful to you as a parent today, and explain why you chose that one over the others. Some to consider may include: Dr. Phil, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Dr. James Dobson, Amy McCready, Super Nanny Jo Frost, Tracy Hogg, and America's Super Nanny Deborah Tillman. You are not limited to these, but do not include persons whose philosophies are unpublished. (Be sure to remember your choice for Discussion 3.)

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There are many who have informed the world about various types of parenting philosophies which parents try to follow to make the lives of their children even better. In this discussion three such parenting philosophies will be talked about in details. The very first person is Dr. Phil who has explained well in Family First about the ways in which parenting can be done by managing crises well so that peace will be maintained in the household. For him parenting with a purpose is the key to a peaceful family life.