Q Please answer the following questions for this week. Please send me your answers via the designated link (located directly under this post within this "Assignment" section of Blackboard) by Saturday by 6:00PM. CM 103: Survey of Radio & TV--Prof. Julie Frechette Keith & Hilliard The 1990s Please answer the following questions 1. Describe the socio-cultural climate of the 90s. 2. What became a growing source of income during the recession? 3. What attempts to hamper media coverage were implemented by the U.S. Pentagon? 4. Describe the coverage of the Gulf War in the U.S. press. 5. How did radio survive the economic recession? 6. What program/documentary did PBS cancel? 7. What ironic public reactions were a result of media celebrities Rush Limbaugh & "Murphy Brown?" 8. How did the Clinton Administration affect the FCC? 9. What continued trends toward deregulation were furthered by the newly elected Republican Congress? With what affect? 10. Who resigned in defiance of NBC censorship? What other forms of censorship emerged from networks? 11. Describe the state of mergers and new TV networks that emerged in 95. 12. How did news grow on the networks in 95? 13. Describe the 1996 Telecommunications Act and how it affects us--the public. __________________
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