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Week 11 Homework Assignment

Week 11 Homework Assignment

Q Week 11 Homework Assignment (20 points) A kayak race is held each August on the South Arm of Lake Charlevoix, Charlevoix County, Michigan. The "course" starts at the public launch in East Jordan, MI and ends at the DNR launch at Dutchman's Bay, a distance of approximately two nautical miles. Participants are individual paddlers in identical Old Town sit inside Sorrento 106sk kayaks. The organizer wants to investigate if there is a relationship between the amount of experience (three categories) and minutes to complete the course. She wants to consider age groups. She also wants suggestions about other data that might be collected to find additional relationships (e.g. water temperature). The the SPSS dataset KAYAK RACE attached above is a random sample from a recent year's event. The data includes: participant ID, participant age, time in minutes to complete the course, age groups and experience defined as follows: Age Groups 1 = 29 and under 2 = between 30 and 34 3 = age 35 and over Experience 1 = participation in 10 or more kayak events 2 = participation in 4 to 9 kayak events 3 = participation in 3 kayak events Complete the following: Using the SPSS data file KAYAK RACE. sav Conduct an ANCOVA analysis Respond to the organizers current research question Propose two future data categories (not including example above of water temperature) and rationale for each. Deliverables: Syntax file Word document in APA style formatting that includes: An analysis that responds to the organizer's questions (noted above) Appropriate tables and figures Methods narrative Results narrative

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Table 1 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Time to Complete the Course Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 4341.555a 5 868.311 23.990 .000 Intercept 2062.660 1 2062.660 56.988 .000 EXPERIENCE 175.401 2 87.701 2.423 .117 AGE .080 1 .080 .002 .963 EXPERIENCE * AGE 154.567 2 77.284 2.135 .147 Error 651.503 18 36.195 Total 124307.260 24 Corrected Total 4993.058 23 a. R Squared = .870 (Adjusted R Squared = .833)