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Week 10 Homework Assignment

Week 10 Homework Assignment

Q Homework Assignment Written Assignment Click for more options Week 10 Homework Assignment (20 points) In this week’s homework, you will analyze data from a hypothetical case in which a chemical engineer wants to compare the hardness of four blends of paint. Six samples of each paint blend were applied to a piece of metal, which was then cured. Thereafter, each sample was measured for hardness. The variable descriptions are as follows: Variable Description Variable type Paint The blend of paint tested: Blend 1, Blend 2, Blend 3, or Blend 4 Factor Hardness The hardness of each sample Response Temp The curing temperature of the sample Covariate Operator The operator who collected the sample: 1, 2, or 3 Factor Click on this link Paint Hardness.sav to access the data. Instructions: Open the data file Paint Hardness.sav Use the instructions on page 220 (no. 1 – 4, example 7.1) as a guide to carry out a one-way ANOVA analysis with Hardness as the dependent variable and Paint as the Factor variable. Report your results and provide a narrative on them Repeat steps 2 and 3 using Operator as the factor variable instead of Paint. Save all your commands to a syntax file Deliverables: Word document in APA style formatting addressing tasks 2 – 4 above. Syntax file

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Table 1.1 Descriptive Statistics for a One-Way ANOVA Descriptives The hardness of each sample N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound Blend 1 6 14.7333 3.36254 1.37275 11.2046 18.2621 10.40 19.30 Blend 2 6 8.5667 5.49970 2.24524 2.7951 14.3382 1.90 14.90 Blend 3 6 12.9833 3.72957 1.52259 9.0694 16.8973 6.50 16.80 Blend 4 6 18.0667 2.63641 1.07631 15.2999 20.8334 15.00 22.90 Total 24 13.5875 5.08094 1.03714 11.4420 15.7330 1.90 22.90