Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1-DQ2

Week 1-DQ2

Q Many schools of thought have developed throughout history that propose various theories about the source and development of leaders, how leaders are discovered, and how they can be identified. Early leadership theories focused on the qualities that distinguished leaders from followers; subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill levels. Evaluate the similarities and differences between two approaches or theories of leadership: the trait approach and behavioural theory; the Situational Leadership® Model and authentic leadership theory; or the transformational and transactional leadership theories. Begin by providing a brief summary of the two approaches or theories of leadership you have chosen to analyze. Then, examine the common characteristics and differences between the two approaches or theories you selected.

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The trait theory of leadership was basically a very prompt assumption that stated, leaders were actually born and it is with this thought, these set of people do possess some appropriate characteristics and qualities which suits to their leadership styles. In contrary, the behavioural theory recognizes, certain behavioural characteristics which are common within leaders. The subsequent list of traits are the ones which are being compared to those of the potential leaders just for the purpose of evaluating their likelihood behind success and failure that they achieve ("Theories of Leadership", 2019).