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Week 1 Video Dark Girls Reflection

Week 1 Video Dark Girls Reflection

Q Step 1: Watch the video Dark Girls DVD - 1:07.59 Download to your computer in order to view the complete video of 1:07.59 to an external site. Step 2: Write a reflection answering the following: 1. Do you have any personal experience with colorism? If so, describe what happened and how that made you feel. 2. Have you ever put other people down or called them names based on colorism? If so, describe what happened and how that made you feel. Why? 3. What are the stereotypes of colorism? 4. What do you think it would take for us to remove colorism in our society? 5. What is your overall opinion of the video "DARK GIRLS"? PreviousNext

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1. Luckily, I have never had any personal experiences with colorism in a way that affected me. There have been times and even there are that when I am outside some people do judge me a lot and tend to treat me as alien but I really do not let it affect me. I continue being myself and believing in my own values and kindness. 2. No, I have never done that and would never do that even. I cannot even imagine looking down upon someone simply based on color or race. 3. The biggest and most common stereotypes of colorism are that they are poor and used to be slaves and are often treated as untouchables. This is something I detest and I think people who discriminate based on color are mean and really it is very low of them.