Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1 Discussion_Foundations For University Success

Week 1 Discussion_Foundations For University Success

Q • While thinking about the topics covered in the Success Prep Inventory and past challenges, what approaches have you used in the past that might be useful to resolve problems during your educational journey? • What difficulties could you face as a new student that you are unsure of how to address, and what are you most nervous or uncertain about as a new student? (Consider funding your education, motivation, the online environment, etc.) For example, do you anticipate any technology difficulties? • How will you address these difficulties? • Which of the activities or resources this week were most helpful in strengthening your academic readiness? • Was there any information you did not understand that you feel would be helpful to your success?

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To be honest, I was one of those types who panicked a lot even before something had happened and tended to overthink. This affected me deeply when the actual time came, and I had to perform because I was preoccupied with negativity and perhaps even assured that I was going to do it badly. Another issue with me has been my inability to be efficient in multitasking. However, I decided one day that it was enough and had to do something, and so I started meditating, which helped me become calmer and listening to instrumental music while working, which helped me concentrate.