Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

W8DQ1_intrapreneurship and innovation


Q If you were on the recruiting team to find a new CEO for a company where the board mandate was to focus on embedding innovation into the DNA of the company, what attributes would you describe as being the "must haves?"

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Great innovators have some traits in common and it is the recruiter’s responsibility to find the right person for a position who will help in order to flourish innovation within the organization. If I was working as a recruiter then I would have also looked for some characteristics in a person to consider him as an innovator. I would look the ability to think out of the box. A person must be able to think out of the box in order to be innovative and creative a person must be able to think out of the ordinary. Also the person must be consistent as innovation does not happen over a short time always and a person must be committed to the work consistently to see any fruitful results.