Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

W7DQ2_strategic planning in healthcare

W7DQ2_strategic planning in healthcare

Q 1. Which of the four directions do you believe is your style?2. What are the strengths of your style? (at least four adjectives)3. What are the limitations of your style? (at least four adjectives)4. Which style do you find the most difficult to work with in others, and why?5. What do the other directions need to know about you so that you can work effectively together?

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I think my style is more towards South direction (The Leadership Compass Self-Assessment, n.d.) as my works are generally driven by empathy. I care a lot about other people and their needs. I support my colleagues as believe in maintaining good relationships in workplace are a very important part in order to work well. Also working in a good environment improves efficiency as per my thoughts. Also my decisions are mainly driven by my emotions.