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1 Subject

Unit 6- Discussion 2_Multicult Presp in Human Behavior

Unit 6- Discussion 2_Multicult Presp in Human Behavior

Q Select an immigrant or refugee group of your choosing, other than Latino populations. Describe the particular psychological challenges this group faces in coping with current North American society, and how this might affect their needs for psychological services. Compare and contrast how this group differs from ethnic or racial minorities who are U.S.-born or from families who have lived in the United States for a few generations. In addition, compare and contrast the difficulties of this group with Latino immigrant groups.

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I would like to choose the challenges faced by the Jewish Americans which might involve a lot of discrimination and prejudice that holds a very high percentage of the population in the U.S. There is some other discrimination as well that requires proper understanding for addressing the group for diversification that is limited in number. In the textbook, the author tries to focus on the criteria that establish a great level of discrimination and also the consideration that it requires proper attention in achieving better living conditions.