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Unit 2B Discussion

Unit 2B Discussion

Q B.2.4.3 Discussion-Rent Control- Does the Price Ceiling Work? - Group A 5 From ECON-102-OMH-CRN55774 Watch the following videos on Rent Control and develop an argument on the Price Intervention. Read the following from the Stanford Business School Rent Control’s Winners and Losers to an external site. Discussion Question- Does Rent Control Work? The Housing Challenge in the Bay Area is a harsh reality of a successful economy with scare housing sources (that is the question- you are open to post your thoughts). Discussion Question Requirements: Each student is required to post a 150 word response to the question. The student then must post at least a 50 word response to at lease ONE other student post. Post-=4 points. Comment = 2 Points Submit Original Post by the Due Date. Comments are open for four (4) days after the Due Date or until the Available Until Date

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B.2.4.3 Discussion-Rent Control- Does the Price Ceiling Work? - Group A 5 There is a serious housing issue in the Bay Area. The Bay Area lacks several possibilities for low-cost and affordable housing. A significant source of funding for affordable housing was destroyed when the redevelopment agencies in California were abolished. There is a serious housing issue in the Bay Area. It is now plainly evident that, even if governments do start to build more homes, this would take many years, if not decades, to adjust the supply and construct housing relatively accessible, and in the interim, millions of families will be suffering. Rent control can indeed be effective, despite economists' concerns that it might make the housing crisis worse.