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1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 01 Key Terms- Section 01

Unit 01 Key Terms- Section 01

Q Lessons: 1.1 Origins of American Democracy 1.2 The American Constitution 1.3 The Young United States Please define each key terms in its appropriate historical context using complete sentences. You may add additional bullet-point details to initial definitions when necessary. 1. French and Indian War 2. Sugar and Stamp Acts 3. John Dickinson (“Declarations of Rights and Grievances”) 4. Townshend Acts and Tea Act 5. Committees of Correspondence 6. First Continental Congress 7. Marquis de Lafayette 8. Baron von Steuben 9. Declaration of Independence 10. Battle of Yorktown 11. Treaty of Paris of 1783 12. “The Age of Enlightenment” 13. Bicameral 14. Thomas Jefferson 15. Articles of Confederation 16. Anti-Federalists 17. James Madison 18. Bill of Rights 19. John Locke 20. Francois Voltaire 21. Baron Charles de Montesquieu 22. Due process of the law 23. Magna Carta (1215)

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1. French and Indian War – There had been these wars fought by the British to show dominance over their enemies in the aspect of colonization. The enemies of the British had been the French settlers who had tried to capture the British colonies. The years of actualization of the War had been from the year of 1756 till the year of 1763.